Wednesday, August 25, 2010

College Stinks

Hi People,

Taking my little girl to college. I can't believe the cost of just traveling and toting the things to a college dorm. I guess I am a lucky one with having only a 6 hr drive and in state travel. I have  no idea how people in this economy are able to take their children any further. The federal and state funds don't cover moving expenses , unless there is something I don't know. If there is something the colleges don't know anything about it. They just say, "you are accepted so just get your butt here." I know that I am not the only one in this situaltion. I don't expect a free ride. However, I am a veteran of 10 years service. Doesn't that count for something?

This just adds extra stress to the fact that your child is going away for the first time. This isn't summer camp. I don't need to worry how she will be getting things back here again. I will at a minimum have to do this 8 times. It will be more like 10; in that most kids today do 5 years. This hads another 5- 10 thousand dollars to the stress of paying for college itself. Someone tell me any possible solutions. Any advice would be appreciated. It seems like it is the blind leading the blind. I know that the college isn't going to have any useful advice.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Working out/excercise with a child

Hi People,

Just a quick note. Exercising while caring for a child might seems redundant as you are exhausted at the end of the day. So, visa vie you must have had some exercise?! Then how is it that you are gaining weight. Diet may be one of the answers. A steady diet of: Peanut and Jelly, ice pops, chocolate,potato chips, cake, pizza and happy meals might have something to do with it but no.  I mean you see a child eating whatever they want and still they appear to be in great shape. They have boundless energy and even their body fat decreases as they become toddlers. They may have a little round belly but the rest of them has no flab and there is no butt. My toddler wears 3T and his pants fall down. Maybe it is just the cut of the pants but I don't think so. They have a tiny waste literally no butt. So, how come my butt and gut ( B and G) seem to be matching as my weight increases. As for my pants I don't even need a belt anymore and I haven't seen my feet in months. So, I must need more excercise.

Now I have back troubles so exercises for me is very limited. That is if I have the energy to get to a gym. Also, if I could get their what will I do with the baby? Fortunately there are gyms with childcare. However, I took my child there twice and he screamed when he went in. I mean a literal melt down. "This is normal" ,they told me. However, I know as an adult that if I did this in a public setting, then I would be in a hospital involuntarily and heavily sedated. So, I am limited to what I can do at home. I could schedule it during his nap time, I thought. When nap time came I found my self laying in bed with him. Doing what? Napping of course!!

So, if anyone has a solution to this situation, then I would really appreciate the input.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Hi People,
 My name is Mark and I am starting a blog about being a Stay at Home Dad (SAHD). SAHD's are special funny guys that love their kid/kids so much that they gave up their career goals for the goal of caring for their child/ren. Or they may be guys, like me, that lost their jobs or became unable to do their jobs or maybe just in between jobs and now care, not "watch" their own child/ren.

I want this to be a chronicle of daily/weekly, okay when I get to it, events as a SAHD. Although I will be posting some things to YouTube for fun and education. These may range from instructional videos, not meant to be copied in real life, of how to diaper a baby to videos that are just random and cute. I chose the name "krayzedad" ,well to be honest, because I am a crazy dad. Usually it is crazy-good as opposed to crazy-bad. None of what I do show should be considered as professional advice for child care. I just want to share my knowledge and experience and hope that someone corrects me. I mean honestly I am a guy so some, okay most, will be wrong.

I posted a video yesterday on YouTube called "Hotdog". It is mainly just me showing my son (2 1/2 yo or 31 mos) asking for and eating a hot dog. Notice  that I did cut it for him into nice bites that won't choke my cute little bugger. Pay close attention to how he wipes the ketchsup off on his shirt instead of a napkin. SAHD Hint: Keep lots of Spray-and-Wash or other stain treatment handy. I have a bottle on each floor of my house and a Tide stick in the diaper bagr as I call it my MWMW (my wallet with wipes),how about MW squared, nah. Another note you will be giving up your manly wallet for the bag eventually. Just get used to it. Howefer, I digress.

It seems that I am a bit of a hot dog as well as a crazy dad. So, I think that sums up my intent for this blog and YouTube channel. Where it goes from here I truly haven't a clue.